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Group Classes

A quick overview of what each course entails

Family Dog OB 

A dog is never too old to learn 'new tricks' or better behavior! Whether you have a newly adopted adult rescue/shelter dog or just missed getting to puppy classes, our Family Dog class is for you. This class works on the basics: sit, down, place, wait, leave it, leash manners, come, settle, off.  Common issues like jumping up, door manners & crate training are also addressed.

10 Months or older | Basic, Intermediate + Advanced 

Puppies are sponges!  Eager to learn both good & bad.  This class is an opportunity to start them with a solid foundation! Our Puppy Preschool tackles: engagement, crate training, nipping/mouthing, socialization + exposure, grooming/vet training, as well as the basics of sit, down, leave it, place, leash manners, wait & come.

Supervised Puppy Playtime after every class!

10 Months or younger 
Intro to Rally 

All dogs can compete in Rally Obedience (Pure bred or Mixed breed). Rally "O" is definitely the place to start if you've ever considered competing with your dog.  Regardless of titles, placements and ribbons, doing Rally training with your dog will earn you the benefits of better attention & leash manners. This class will get you set up for trialing for your Rally Novice. You will have the option of making your videos for virtual title submission in house.

6 Months or older
Trick Dog

Playing games with our dogs is one of the best ways to establish our relationship with them.  Teaching them tricks is a great way to build a fun bond with your dog!

Specific tricks to be learned include turning lights off and on, cover, ride a skateboard, learn how to read, plus the old standards; shake, bow, spin, back, roll over, play dead.

Now an AKC titling category (yes, even for mix breeds) & as an AKC CGC Evaluator, I can complete your certification paperwork DURING class! 

Let's teach our dogs some silly tricks to earn titles, to perform as 'party favors' when you have company, or to potentially make the next 'dog video' that goes viral!

Canine Good Citizen Prep

Focusing on the 10 "CGC" testing exercises that ensure a well-behaved dog in public places, with strangers and with the distraction of other dogs. 

Specifically: Supervised Separation, recalls/come, stay, "off" for greetings from people, ignoring another dogs while out for a walk, & reaction to distractions.

This title is a necessity for dogs pursuing any SAR | Therapy Dog certifications. Class pricing includes title.

6 Months or older
Canine Good Citizen
Community + Urban Prep

Here's the next step! We'll work on the exercises required for the advanced CGC titles. CGCA + U

All exercises focus on a dog being under control and having good manners even when distractions might tempt them!  (i.e. "off", leash manners, leave it's with dogs/people/food, etc.). This class will require meeting at a variety of locations weekly!

This is a great class to work on focus & attention from your dog even when distractions are present. Class pricing includes title.

CGC Pre-req
4 Months or older 


Intro to Tracking

Dogs have a very keen sense of smell | up to 100,000 times stronger than humans!

That's why dogs are often used to find lost people and animals, drugs, avalanche and disaster victims, and even to detect cancer and oncoming seizures. Tracking is a canine sport that demonstrates a dog's natural ability to recognize and follow a scent, and is the foundation of canine search and rescue work. In tracking the dog is completely in charge, because only he knows how to use his nose to find and follow the track.

 This course is best for those beginners with sparked interest of doing more with their dog and handlers interested in discovering their dogs natural ability.

Variable Surface Tracking

Are you looking for a new challenge for your tracking dog? Try VST! 

Variable surface tracking is an extremely complex task for the dog and the handler must be sophisticated enough to understand what the dog is trying to communicate while working the track.

This is an advanced course.


Intro to Scent Work

Does your dog love to sniff? Are you looking for a way to work them out mentally and physically with an activity that is still easy for you to do and fit into your busy schedule? Do you need something to help build your dog's confidence or curb unwanted behaviors stemming from boredom? Great! Then the Introduction to Scent Work course is for you! Over this course we will be covering the basic concepts of Scent Work as an activity, how to get started, what foundation skills are crucial for a team to succeed in the sport; all while instilling ways to ensure the game remains fun for all involved.

Interior + Exterior Scent Work

Coming Soon!

Buried Scent Work

Coming Soon!

Handler Discrimination 

Coming Soon!

Conformation Handling(Drop in Only)

Not your average conformation class!

We will be covering ring procedure / etiquette, handling, gaiting, building a free stack and building confidence! We will mimic an actual show ring, exposing our dogs to any and every uncomfortable situation they may experience at a show site.

4 months or older | $10

Workshops Cont.

Reliable Recalls

Does your dog have selective hearing when you call it?  Then this workshop for you!

Distance Work

Does your dog only sit, down, stay, or come if you are standing right in front of them?  This 2 week mini-course will work on hand signals & boosting your dog's understanding of 'commands from a distance'.

Cautious Canine

Does your dog shy away or hide behind you when meeting new people, dogs or situations?  Cautious Canine class will provide confidence boosting activities in a fun, positive and patient approach.  Handlers will also learn strategies to encourage their hounds.  

Jumping Bean

Does your dog think you and everyone it meets should be greeted with a full body hug & paws on your chest?  Then this class is for you!

Engagement + Relationship

Wanting to compete in anything with your dog? Struggling with building engagement? Does your dog have selective deafness or seems to have forgotten their name? This course is strictly on play and relationship!

A great little class for all dogs!

Loose Leash Walking

Does your dog pull like a sled dog at the end of the leash? Then this mini course is just for you! Welcoming all champion weight pullers!

Private Lessons

In-Home $100/hr

In-home is hands-on and owners get to learn how to be skilled handlers of their dog. It allows one-on-one time with the dog, and our trainer is always there to demonstrate, assist, and address any questions or concerns the owner may have regarding the training or behavior that is seemingly only present at home. Best of all, the in-home training will allow the owner to become more familiarized with the training and being able to successfully integrate into their regular schedules, rather than letting it interrupt their normal lives. In-home training is personal, it can be private, and it gets results!


All in-home lessons include distraction training, both in the house and outside of it. We work with your dog, but we also work with you and your family, so that the training remains consistent and everyone can be successful. 

In-Facility $50/hr

While I can teach your dog almost anything, it ultimately comes down to your (and your family’s) relationship with your furry friend.


With our private dog training lessons, we not only teach your dog the skills it needs to improve their life, but we teach you, your spouse, your kids, and anyone else how to best use those skills so you can learn and grow together in your training journey.

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