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What are Adventure Days?

Dog Day Training and Socialization Services

Adventure Days are a popular alternative to doggy day care. 

These dog training lessons focus on teaching your dog to work around real-world distractions. These are dog day training appointments, meaning that Destiny will pick up your pup and take them for a one-on-one dog day training and socialization adventure to local, dog friendly locations. Pups will ride safely crated in Ruffland Dog Kennels.


We work at a variety of training locations around your home that often include pet-friendly stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, local pet stores, Cabela’s or other stores; the local metro park; local playgrounds; or any number of dog-friendly locations!


These lessons are two hours long and result in very tired dogs as they learn new behaviors in public and learn how to appropriately socialize.


What does my dog practice while on a Dog Training and Socialization Adventure Day?

While on their Adventure Days, your dog will work on their overall manners, attention, and, most importantly, confidence in new locations. We often start with the basics and work our way up to ensure your dog has all the necessary foundations while out and about, but you can also ask the trainer to focus on specific areas of training that your dog may be having trouble with.


Since this is a learning and socialization experience around real-world distraction, we do tailor each program to the individual dog, meaning the trainer will not solely focus on one element. Some dogs may have an easier time in certain places like a quiet park, but have trouble in a store environment, meaning the work we do in each of those locations will look different!


While working with your dog, we often work on:

  • Attention Games & Engagement – Focus and engagement is the foundation of all behaviors with your dog!

  • Recall Games – Recall can save your dog’s life, so we like to build it up to be AMAZING!

  • Polite Greeting Setups – Polite Greetings give us a pattern to help both shy and overly-confident dogs with people and new objects!

  • Loose Leash Walking Practice – Loose Leash Walking is a foundation to help your dog pay attention to you, but also to ensure they’re not overwhelmed or overstimulated in new environments. Leash tension builds frustration!

  • Relaxation and Place – Relaxation and Place allow us to help your dog learn to relax, which can be so hard for dog’s in new environments!

  • Socialization – Socialization and positive experiences in the presence of new things, people, sounds, sights, and more helps build confident, secure dogs that know the world isn’t a scary place!

Your dog will return tired and ready for a nap from all the learning!


Availability limited to clients within 20 miles of the facility!

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